Thursday, February 2, 2012

Something Light and Refreshing

Grapefruit, Tangelo, Fennel, Red Onion and Arugula Salad in a Honey Citrus and Poppyseed Vinaigrette
I'm still working my way through all the citrus from our little Citrus Hurricane wind storm that I last posted about and enjoying the grapefruit granita from that post still.

Last year I stumbled upon the great combo of citrus and fennel and decided to revisit that idea. I also added in some arugula and onions. It's different from a traditional green based salad and I purposely go light on the arugula because of it's spicier flavor. I don't want it to overwhelm the delicate flavors of the fennel and citrus. The addition of fennel takes away the tartness of the grapefruit while the red onion adds the little pungent flavor.

The whole salad is a nice balance blend of spicy, tart, sweet and pungent and is quite good!

But please add as much as you like to your tastes.

These were our pink grapefruits, cut this way just to show the color

Grapefruit and Fennel Salad

2 pink grapefruits, segmented
2 tangelos, segmented
1/4 red onion
1 smal fennel bulb
handful of arugula
1 Tbsp lemon zest
2 Tbsp honey
1 Tbsp olive oil (EVOO)
1/4 tsp sea salt
1 Tbsp poppy seeds
Black pepper to taste

Segment your citrus over a bowl to collect the juices
Then squeeze out whatever juice is left in the fruit to get all the juice you can.
(see below for how to segment)
 Then set citrus aside

Slice the red onion and fennel on the mandoline or with a knife
Place in a big bowl
Toss in your arugula (I purposely didn't use much arugula)
Carefully add in your citrus segments

Honey Citrus Dressing

Take juices from citrus and place in a covered jar
Add in the honey, lemon zest, EVOO, sea salt and black pepper
 Close jar and shake
Add poppy seeds right before serving and shake again.

Gently toss salad with about half of dressing or to taste.
Plate and serve right away.
Will make 2 main salad servings or 4 side salads

Grapefruit and Fennel Salad Close Up

Note: You could easily also add some chopped avocado to this. 
The flavors would marry well.

Easy Video Tutorial on How to Segment Citrus

Tool Tips:

The Mandoline is perfect for this recipe for getting everything nice and thinly sliced!
If you want to see where I spoke more about this gadget and others that make life in the kitchen a little easier, check out my post about Cool Tools.

Another great kitchen gadget that I  am really enjoying is the Microplaner, which makes zesting and grating super easy!

No more scrape knuckles with this one!

Even fresh nutmeg is easy to grate!

I hope you give the salad a try and if you do please let me know what you think!


  1. I'm usually not a big fan of fennel, but this post has gotten me interested in trying it again!

  2. Thanks Lisa. Fennel is a new ongodoy me and so far I've only had it in citrus salads and have liked it. I hope you try it and let me know your thoughts! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Ugh! Trying to comment from my phone. That was supposed to say " new one." I didn't know there was even a word like "ongodoy." sheesh!


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